Wednesday 15 October 2014

Important Notice on Future Conan Releases and Copyright Issues.

Hello Everyone,

Due to copyright issues we will only host any new releases from the Detective Conan manga on this website for 3 days. Then the post will be removed after these 3 days. This will help us continue to be able to provide you with the newest developments from the manga. 

                                Thank you for your understanding.

And please don't forget to support the official releases when they become available in your country.

Souka Scans Team


  1. Bummer, can't you make it 5 days :(
    Thanks for your effort anyway guys <3

  2. All for tantei-san sake..

  3. 3 days .... hmmm... I'm gonna have to come here and check everyday. lol

  4. Goshdarnit... I wish I could do something, but I can't translate or even try to because I can't get pages... You guys, thank you for the effort, really.

  5. where can we see the latest chapters?

  6. 1 week would be perfect :/
